People Like Us cuts televisions with its scissors


Last night Vicki Bennet wondered if their audience would include, as usual, +50-year-old couples and some female impersonators. And it doesn’t mean that her work is weird. She recovers the past, hidden in old audiovisual archives and tell us how history could have been if people had more humour.

As it turns out, that People Like Us’s concert, closing ZEMOS98’s first night, was full of young Seville boys and girls that wanted to be rude with the remix culture. "Remix is everything", Vicki says. An this is something no-one needs to be told. All our life is just a collage with pieces of our past that we repeat over and over.

El impresionado bebé de Vicki BennetMiss Bennet places herself to one side of the stage, the darker area. The main focus is the big screen. She pulls her machine’s strings to tell the impossible: an space invaders attack in the 40’s, a baby unware of the world’s changes, facing the Megalopolis, the world, the moon...

Vicki Bennet shows us our own nightmares. What torments the insomniac’s sleep? And there we can see it, thanks to the cut&paste. But the British artist tells us not to be afraid. One must know his or her own past and search what is hidden in it. Always with optimism and a sense of humour.


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