In this call, ZEMOS98 Audiovisual Festival aims the submitted works to follow one of the subjects proposed by ZEMOS98:
1.Narrative experimentation
Stories proposing hybridization of genres, meta-fictions, documentaries on creation, educational videos, post-narrations, stage/audiovisual experiments, animations beyond animation, etc.
2.Free Culture, archive, remix
Stories boosting universal access to culture and free culture. Works produced from collective intelligence, using or promoting free-distribution licences, etc.
3.Politics, commitment with reality
Stories questioning the Empire, mass-media guerrillas, mass media review, seized information, migrations, globalization and resistance, frontiers, precarious work, stories about sex, brutal urban development.
4.Education and communication
Stories showing the need for a consistent digital and audiovisual literacy campaign which will narrow the digital gap, propedeutical narrations, new educational and communicating ways.
5.Machines and souls: cyberculture
Stories questioning the relationship between humans and machines, digital utopias, future memories, technological deconstruction, biotechnology, cities-networks,
Narrations about “the other”, other cultures, other ideas, micro-gazes, hidden stories, the others’ representations, anthropomorphic travels, etc.
There will be no distinction of genres so documentaries, fiction, videocreations, videoclips, etc, will coexist in the selection.
Selection of works to be screened during the festival will be ZEMOS98’s responsibility (from now on, “Selection Committee” or “SC”).
Selection criteria of the Selection Committee will be the adaptation, coherence and representativeness of the submitted videos according to the theme lines described in item number 1, as well as language innovation, narrative conciseness, thriftiness of means, etc.
The decision taken by the SC will not be open to appeal.
Selected works will be divided into two categories:
VIDEOTECA. Selected works will recieve 50€ (in a maximum of 90 days from the end of festival and after the deliver of invoice or corresponding legal receipt by the author) as a renting. These kind of videos will be available in several computers at the Festival’s venue.
SECCIÓN OFICIAL. Selected videos will recieve 150€ (in a maximum of 90 days from the end of festival and after the deliver of invoice or corresponding legal receipt by the author) as presentation and public showing. These kind of videos will be publicly screened according to item 4.
If a work is selected for any of these categories, its author will give the Organization permission to show the work in the Festival webpage for 60 days after the end of Festival in a smaller size and lower resolution.
All information relating to work selection, as well as the date, time and place to be screened, will be posted on www.zemos98.org
Both authors and producers of works commit themselves, if mentioned or awarded, to specify it in every publicity and press information, as well as on previous or final credits, respecting the decision of the Organization and using the ZEMOS98 logo. It is the SC’s option not to award a prize. Prizes are subject to legal deductions and instalment payment established and communicated by ZEMOS98.
PREMIO METRÓPOLIS. Metrópolis (RTVE) will select a work (or joint of works) to complete a 25-minute programme. These videos will be shown in a Metrópolis special and will be paid in the ratio of 150€/minute for excerpts and 200€/minute for a whole work.
ZEMOS98 HONOURABLE MENTIONS. The SC will designate some special mentions as a prize.
DVD.ZEMOS98 (11TH EDITION). ZEMOS98 will edit a DVD containing the most representative videos among the selected ones. This DVD will be toured around the world, which implies international diffusion for the artists and their works. Authors will sign a non-exclusive cession of screening rights to participate the DVD, which has a Creative Commons License.
PREMIO RTVA for the Andalusian Audiovisual Creation, in collaboration with Obra Social CajaSol. This prize is awarded with 2.400€ and a trophee which is given to to the best submitted work which has been created, developed or produced by Andalusian firms or artists. The trophee is a bronze copy of the EL DILEMA statue, which is the official symbol of the PREMIO RTVA. It is the SC’s responsibility to decide which project is given the economic aid, to award this prize compulsorily and its decision is not open to appeal. The committee consists of 5 members designated by ZEMOS98 Organization and one designated by RTVA. Obtaining this prize also implies the broadcasting of the work on any of RTVA channels, so authors will sign a 3-year non-exclusive cession of screening rights of their work to RTVA in the context of its territory, including the broadcadsting and public communication on TV rights, either analog, digital, terrestrial, cable or satellite. The signing of this contract is essential for the author in order to get the prize, which is subject to legal deductions. It is considered that the prize fulfils the amount of money of the contract. In the same way, right-cession of broadcasting and free distribution of a maximum of 2.000 DVD’s of the prized work will be included in the contract.
MEETING OF AUDIOVISUAL CREATORS. Festival organisers will invite and provide accommodation for all authors selected for the official section (if there is any work with more than one author, a maximum of two will be invited by the festival). This meeting will take place over two days. The idea is to discuss about aspects relating to audiovisual culture, and give authors the opportunity to comment on the selection and on ZEMOS98 in general.
Screenings of the OFICIAL SECTION will be monocanal and will be shown through a professional digital player (DVD, miniDVD or HardDisk), a projector of 10.000 lumen, on a screen of 6x4,5m, with a stereo sound system NEXO ALPHA-E (4 B-18 y 4 M-E), and in appropriate conditions of darkness.
Screenings will take place during the 11th edition of ZEMOS98, March 2009, in the venues of the Festival in Sevilla.
The organization reserves the right not to screen productions which may go against human rights. The producer is responsible for the music, image and text originality of the work.
Every participant (no matter age or nationality) can submit only one work (on independent tape or disc) of any date of production, as long as:
It has been made on VIDEO, either analog or digital.
It is in Spanish, or any other language as long as it is subtitled in Spanish or English.
It has a maximum duration of 30 minutes.
Each work must be submitted on an independent medium, obligatorily on PAL or NTSC format, including its number of registration (IMPORTANT: it is compulsory to include the registration number on the envelope, case and medium) which will be obtained after registering on the on.line form, labelled with the title, duration and author of the work (both on the case and medium) and accompanied by the documentation specified in item 7 of these guidelines.
Regardless of the original videographic format used, works must be submitted in one of the following: MINI.DV-SP, DVD VIDEO, DVD DATOS, INTERNET (You can upload a video file in DVD PAL quality (MPEG-2 - 720x576 px - 5mbp bitrate aprox. to a server. If you do not have your own on.line server, we recommend archive.org or blip.tv).
Works selected to be publicly screened will be asked to send (in 10 days time after communication) a copy in MINI.DV – SP with no subtitles, along with a text file with the transcription of the dialogues in its original language (and any other if possible), respecting and marking timecodes.
All works will enter the ZEMOS98 video file and will be able to be used with cultural and/or educational aim (never trading) in the different fairs during the year (+ info: www.ZEMOS98.org). ZEMOS98 will not lend, sell or rent copies to any institution or individual without the written permission of the producer of the work.
Participants will let the Organization to use excerpts (3 minutes maximum) from their works in derived promotional works of the same Festival, even on TV and the internet.
Registrations must be filled through an online form, available at www.ZEMOS98.org. Each participant will get an automatic number of registration which will have to be included in the submission of the work (see item 6).
It is necessary to send two images, in JPG or PNG format and with a resolution not lower than 720 x 576 pixels. The Organization will be able to use these images on its web and to make information leaflets about the works to be screened.
It is necessary to present a summary of a maximum of 150 words.
Any additional information such as production details, promotional material, etc, must be also included.
If any missing and/or incorrect information has not been corrected by
November 5th 2008 November 25th 2008, the corresponding work will not be viewed by the Organization.
Works can be submitted by post or courier, or deliveredin person, until
November 1st 2008 November 20th 2008. Only works postmarked before November 1st 2008 November 20th 2008,wil be accepted.
The address for submissions is:
C/ Bailén, 35. Local 8 Bajo
41001- Sevilla - España
The organisation will not be liable for any accidents that may affect submitted works.
Updated information about the Festival and related activities can be found on www.zemos98.org. For any doubts, questions or suggestions, please contact us at audiovisual@zemos98.org.
Participating in ZEMOS98 Festival inplies the acceptance of these conditions. In case of any contingency or modification, the Organization will solve and communicate them through www.ZEMOS98.org and ZEMOS98’s newsletter.